What is Calibration?
Defining Calibration
Calibration is best defined as the process of testing an instrument using another that is referenced to a known standard or set of parameters. It relates to the accuracy and quality of an instruments ability to give a reading; this reading may be a unit of pressure, temperature, force or similar.

Why is Calibration
of Instruments Important?
Whilst calibration is commonly viewed as an unnecessary cost of business, the reality is that calibration is an essential part of measurement and control. As such, it is vital in ensuring that measurements taken by organisation’s tools and instruments are accurate and that the measuring instrument is working as intended (and within the tolerances stated by the manufacturer).
4 Key Reasons
to Calibrate Your
It helps to keep
your processes safe
It can help to reduce costs
from manufacturing errors
It helps to maintains the
integrity of the process
and product
It helps to
ensure quality
How can ITIUK help
with my calibrations?
ITIUK oer in-house ISO 9001:2015, fully UKAS traceable repair and calibrations. We oer our services nationwide, so whether you’re in Manchester, Liverpool, Aberdeen, London or anywhere else in the UK, get in touch – we can help! ITIUK also oer an onsite calibration service, in which our experienced mechanical and electrical engineers carry out the calibrations at your site. This is a great and eective way of minimising costly downtime. We can also oer UKAS certified calibrations where required.
For more information regarding calibration, visit the UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) website –
If you have a question that isn’t answered here, why not ask us!
Call us on +44(0)161 652 7741, or email to speak to one of our team.